
Youth & Amatuer Dance


Classical dance encompasses traditional dance forms such as ballet, which emphasize precision, grace, and structured techniques. These styles are characterized by their adherence to formal movements, often performed to classical music and telling stories or expressing emotions through choreography.


Contemporary dance is a fluid and expressive style that blends elements of classical, modern, and jazz dance. It emphasizes creativity, emotional expression, and the use of natural movement, allowing dancers to explore innovative choreography and personal interpretation.


Folk dance refers to traditional dances that originate from the cultural practices of specific communities or regions. These dances often tell stories, celebrate events, or express cultural identity, and are typically performed in groups with lively, communal participation.


Street dance is an energetic and improvisational style that originated in urban environments, including hip-hop, breakdancing, and popping. It emphasizes rhythm, freestyle movement, and personal expression, often performed in informal settings like streets, parks, or clubs.


Latin dance encompasses a variety of vibrant styles, such as salsa, merengue, and tango, that originate from Latin American cultures. These dances are characterized by their rhythmic patterns, passionate movements, and often feature close partner work, making them both lively and socially engaging.


Ballroom dance is a formal style performed in pairs, including dances like the waltz, foxtrot, and cha-cha. It emphasizes smooth, elegant movements and precise footwork, often performed in competitive or social dance settings with a strong focus on partnership and grace.


Jazz dance is a lively and dynamic style characterized by its strong, rhythmic movements and syncopated timing. It draws on elements from ballet and contemporary dance but allows for more freedom of expression, often performed to jazz or popular music in theatrical settings.


Tap dance is a percussive style where dancers create rhythmic patterns by striking the floor with their shoes, which have metal taps on the heels and toes. It emphasizes rhythm, timing, and intricate footwork, often performed in musical theater or as a standalone art form.


Country/western dance includes a variety of social dances like line dancing, two-step, and square dancing, often performed to country music. These dances are typically characterized by their rhythmic patterns, lively group participation, and a strong connection to western cultural traditions.


Cultural/ethnic dance encompasses a wide range of traditional dance forms that are specific to particular cultural or ethnic groups. These dances are deeply rooted in cultural heritage, often performed during celebrations, rituals, or social gatherings, and express the unique identity and traditions of the community.